Randomness Rules

Category: Uncategorized


To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best,
to make you everybody else,
means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight.
Does this sound dismal?
It isn’t.
It’s the most wonderful

Women in society

The inequalities of capitalist economies are not exactly news. As Ester Bloom has pointed out, “For centuries, a woman’s social status was clear-cut: either she had a maid or she was one.” 

Happy Wife, Happy Life

Alternately: we’ve divided our responsibilities between the two of us. I’m in charge of the BIG questions: world peace, global hunger, etc. My wife deals with the small questions: where we should go for vacations, where we should have dinner,

Besan Laddoos

  • 1 cup ghee, 2 cups sugar, 4 cups besan
  • microwave besan and ghee until done (4m, 3m, 3m)
  • let it cool and add sugar and bind
  • can also add coarsely ground almonds, char magaz (cantaloupe seeds), elaichi powder


  • 2 TB of besan beaten with 1.5 cups of dahi
  • saute grated ginger, mustard seeds, pinch of hing, methi seeds, cloves, kadhi patta (maybe lemongrass)
  • add dahi mixture and a cup of water
  • simmer — do not let it boil