Randomness Rules

Author: vii


“The key to success in life is not doing the uncommon jobs commonly well, but doing the common jobs uncommonly well.”

-John D. Rockefeller

Besan Laddoos

  • 1 cup ghee, 2 cups sugar, 4 cups besan
  • microwave besan and ghee until done (4m, 3m, 3m)
  • let it cool and add sugar and bind
  • can also add coarsely ground almonds, char magaz (cantaloupe seeds), elaichi powder


  • 2 TB of besan beaten with 1.5 cups of dahi
  • saute grated ginger, mustard seeds, pinch of hing, methi seeds, cloves, kadhi patta (maybe lemongrass)
  • add dahi mixture and a cup of water
  • simmer — do not let it boil


Our threads sometimes tend to become monotonous here

As we celebrate the various birthdays and other life markers dear

But let it not be said

That we stinted on any one of them

And when we are finally wise and …

A hostel lunch: April 24, 2014

Quick update: Chini, Ghode, Bha, Nagesh and I had lunch on Friday. Varun was missing — he claims that he was grilling burgers at his company picnic.
Unlike the past few years, when our lunches were always held at Chaat …